Patricia Litkowski, MD, is an Assistant Professor of Medicine and the Medical Director of Patient Experience at Barnes-Jewish Hospital. She also serves as the Director of Hospitalist Services for Inpatient Medical Oncology. She has interest in the care of hospitalized patients with cancer, interprofessional communication and teamwork, and improving the overall experience that patients have while receiving care in the hospital. Her research interests include reducing readmissions and improving length of stay.
- BA, Philosophy,Neuroscience, Psychology, French: Washington University, St. Louis, MO (2008)
- Medical Degree, Candidate: New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY (2011)
- Medical Degree: Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO (2013)
- Residency, Internal Medicine: Barnes-Jewish Hospital, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO (2016)
- Chief Residency, Internal Medicine: Barnes-Jewish Hospital, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO (2017)
Board Certifications
- American Board of Internal Medicine
Clinical Interests
Hospital medicine, inpatient care
Litkowski P, Smetana G, Zeidel M, Blanchard M. Curbing the Urge to Image. The American Journal of Medicine, in press.
Stobaugh H, Ryan K, Kennedy J, Grise J, Crocker A, Thakwalakwa C, Litkowski P, Maleta K, Manary M, Trehan I. Including whey protein and whey permeate in ready-touse supplementary food improves recovery rates in children with moderate acute malnutrition: a randomized, double-blind clinical trial. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, February 2016;103(3):926-933.
Litkowski P, Young RJ, Wolden S, Souweidane M, Haque S, Gilheeney SW. Collision in the inferior olive: hypertrophic olivary degeneration complicated by radiation necrosis in brainstem primitive neuroendocrine tumor. Clinical Imaging, July 2012;36(4):371-4.
Litkowski P, Khakoo Y, Gilheeney S, Souweidane M, Huse J, Haque S, Young RJ. Hemangioma of the Cavernous Sinus in a Child. Neurology, 25 October 2011; 77(17):1647-8.
Jiang X, Litkowski P, Taylor A, Lin Y, Snider BJ, Moulder K. A Role for the Ubiquitin-Proteasome System in Activity-Dependent Presynaptic Silencing. Journal of Neuroscience, 3 February 2010; 30(5): 1798-809.
Burton H, Dixit S, Litkowski P, and Wingert JR. Functional connectivity for somatosensory and motor cortex in spastic diplegia. Somatosensory and Motor Research, December 2009; 26(4): 90-104.
Abstracts and Presentations
Systemic Amyloidosis Presenting as Abdominal Pain and Neuropathy. American College of Physicians Missouri Regional Meeting, Osage Beach, MO, September 2016.
The Addition of Whey Permeate to Ready-to-use Supplementary Food Improves Recovery from Moderate Acute Malnutrition. Consortium of Universities for Global Health, San Francisco, CA, April 2016.
The Global Burden of Malnutrition Washington University Internal Medicine Grand Rounds, St. Louis, MO, August 2015.
Using Diffusion Tensor Tractography to Predict Routes of Progression and DesignTheoretical Radiation Therapy Plans in Patients with High Grade Gliomas American Society of Neuroradiology, Montreal, Canada, May 2013.
Salmonella typhi Infection in a Patient with Wilson’s Disease Washington University Infectious Disease Grand Rounds, St. Louis, MO, September 2012.
Collision in the Inferior Olive: Hypertrophic Olivary Degeneration Complicated by Treatment Necrosis in a Child Treated for a Brainstem Primitive Neuroendocrine Tumor American Society of Neuroradiology, Seattle, WA, June 2011.
Hemangioma of the Cavernous Sinus American Society of Neuroradiology, Seattle, WA, June 2011.
Combining Connectivity Maps to Predict Routes of Progression in Malignant Gliomas: A Prospective and Retrospective Analysis American Society of Neuroradiology, Seattle, WA, June 2011.
Probabilistic Tractography in Patients with Recurrent Malignant Gliomas International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Montreal, Canada, May 2011.