Devin Odom, MD, is an Associate Professor of Medicine with the Division of Hospital Medicine at Washington University School of Medicine and recently completed a fellowship in Palliative Medicine. He will also join the Division of Palliative Medicine this fall. He completed training in Internal Medicine at WashU in 2013. Dr. Odom has focused his career on communication skills education beyond residency training. He developed and directs the BJC Communication Skills Academy which provides experiential learning opportunities for providers across the School of Medicine and BJC to practice difficult conversations and Advance Care Planning in a safe small group environment. Ongoing research is evaluating the impact of this work on provider and patient satisfaction and clinical outcomes. Dr. Odom also chairs the Division of Hospital Medicine’s EMR efficiency task force to improve EMR workflow and streamline provider level improvements.
- BS, Engineering: Duke University, Pratt School of Engineering, Durham, NC (2006)
- Medical Degree: Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC (2010)
- Residency, Internal Medicine: Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Louis, MO (2013)
Board Certifications
- American Board of Internal Medicine
Clinical Interests
Hospital medicine, inpatient care, patient safety
Invited Publications:
Odom, Devin C., Clutter W, Odom EB, Gronowski AM, Thoelke M. A Single Post-ACTH Cortisol Measurement to Screen for Adrenal Insufficiency in the Hospitalized Patient. Journal of Hospital Medicine. 2018 Feb 7:E1-E5.
Odom, Devin C. “Anemia of Chronic Inflammatory Disease.” Clinical Decision Support: Internal Medicine, 2nd Decision Support in Medicine, LLC. 2016.
Odom, Devin C. “Anemia.” Clinical Decision Support: Internal Medicine, 2nd Decision Support in Medicine, LLC. 2016.
Odom, Devin C. “Approach to Anemia.” The Washington Manual: General Internal Medicine, 3rd Edition. 2016.
Odom, Devin C., Reno, HEL. “Fungal Infections in the Hospitalized Patient.” Hosp Med Clin (2015): 313-27.
Peer Reviewed Publications:
Odom, Devin C., Clutter W, Odom EB, Gronowski AM, Thoelke M. “A Single Post-ACTH Cortisol Measurement to Screen for Adrenal Insufficiency in the Hospitalized Patient.” Submitted for publication to the Journal of Hospital Medicine. August 2017.
Odom EB, Patel, KB, Odom, Devin C. “Inpatient care versus Subacute Care for Long Term Intravenous Antibiotics: Cost from the Patient Perspective.” Journal of Academic Hospital Medicine. 2016 Jul; 8(3). July 9, 2016.
Schmidt N, Deal E, Green M, Thoelke M, Odom, Devin C. “The Burden of Non-Compliant Cholestyramine Administration at BJH.” Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Symposium. Barnes Jewish Hospital. March 2016. Poster.
Stabile, Katherine J., Odom, Devin C., Smith TL, Van Dyke ME, Ferguson CM. ‘An acellular, allograft-derived meniscus scaffold in an ovine model.” Arthroscopy. 2010 Jul; 26(7):936-48. April 8, 2010.
Odom, Devin C., Stabile KJ, Van Dyke ME, Ferguson CM. “Ultrastructural Analysis of a Tissue Engineering Meniscus Scaffold.” 55th Annual Meeting of the Orthopedic Research Society, San Francisco, CA, USA. February 22-25, 2008. Abstract and Poster.