SHM’s Fellow in Hospital Medicine program is rooted in the Core Competencies in Hospital Medicine. Those who earn the Fellow in Hospital Medicine (FHM), Senior Fellow in Hospital Medicine (SFHM) or Master in Hospital Medicine (MHM) designations have demonstrated their commitment to hospital medicine, system change and quality improvement principles.

Hospitalist, Dr. Nathan Martin, was honored this month with the distinction of Senior Fellow of Hospital Medicine (SFHM) for SHM. Criteria for the SFHM title includes fulfilling the eligibilty requirements for FHM but also demonstrating experience in hospital medicine leadership, teamwork and quality improvement such as:
- Time spent on the combination of clinical and non-clinical work devoted to hospital medicine comprised of at least 50 percent of total professional activity
- Endorsement via letters of recommendation by two active SHM members who have been in good standing for at least two years

Hospitalists, Dr. Dhruv Bansal and Dr. Margo Girardi, earned the Fellow of Hospital Medicine (FHM) designation for SHM.The criteria for earning the FHM distinction included elements such as:
- Five years as a practicing hospitalist
- No disciplinary action which resulted in the suspension or revocation of credentials or license within five years
- Endorsement by two active Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM) members