The Gateway Medicine Clerkship has selected Dr. Erin Baum to receive the “LeJIT” Teaching Award. This award recognizes Dr. Baum’s excellence in completing just-in-time assessments during the 2024 Block 1 Medicine Clerkship (January-February 2024). They stated, “You skillfully integrate JITs into your clinical and teaching workflows and provide meaningful, timely feedback to students through your responses. Your dedication to completing JITs helps students develop their skills and creates a positive learning environment that fosters feedback and growth.”
In the Division of Hospital Medicine, Erin Baum, MD, holds the position of Instructor in Medicine. As an attending physician, she oversees the general medicine inpatient teaching services and the hospitalist direct care services, providing comprehensive care to admitted patients during both day and night shifts. Dr. Baum actively participates in the division’s patient care operations and education committees and serves as the faculty advisor to the WUSM Internal Medicine Interest Group. She finds great satisfaction in teaching and mentoring medical students and residents, as well as contributing to student and resident recruitment efforts. She has a strong interest in enhancing medication reconciliation accuracy and developing curriculum for night float rotations.