Matt Freer, MD, explains a paracentesis procedure to fourth-year medical students in the capstone course at the Howard and Joyce Wood Simulation Center in the Farrell Learning and Teaching Center on February 19, 2020. MATT MILLER/WASHU SCHOOL OF MEDICINE
Matt Freer, MD, explains a paracentesis procedure to fourth-year medical students in the capstone course at the Howard and Joyce Wood Simulation Center in the Farrell Learning and Teaching Center on February 19, 2020. MATT MILLER/WASHU SCHOOL OF MEDICINE

Internal medicine and categorical interns, and senior medicine residents, spend one or more weeks on the Procedure service.  Hospital Medicine physicians directly supervise the residents performing invasive bedside procedures and provide didactic presentations regarding indications, contraindications, complications, and test interpretation for the various bedside procedures. Instruction in the use of bedside ultrasound is also provided. Hospitalist faculty have collaborated to write the Washington Manual of Bedside Procedures and have contributed to various quality and safety initiatives regarding invasive procedures at Barnes Jewish Hospital.