We found that those with SCD on chronic opioids, compared to those without SCD on chronic opioids, had twice as many opioid-related adverse events leading to healthcare encounters.”
Anabeth Liu, MD
Anabeth Liu was honored to attend the annual meeting of the American Society of Hematology, the world’s largest professional society of hematologists. Its annual meeting is the premier education and scientific event in hematology. The ASH also publishes the journal Blood, the most cited peer-reviewed publication in the field.
Dr. Liu presented fascinating research about the care of sickle cell disease. She said, “My research was aimed at illuminating the landscape of the care of sickle cell disease (SCD) patients with chronic pain who are prescribed chronic opioids. We analyzed ten years of administrative claims data from people receiving treatment for opioid dependence or misuse. We found that those with SCD on chronic opioids, compared to those without SCD on chronic opioids, had twice as many opioid-related adverse events leading to healthcare encounters, fewer buprenorphine prescriptions (8% vs 30.1%), significantly higher prescriptions of methadone (63.6% vs 6.8%) and other opioids (80.5% vs 33.7%). This study highlights the need to improve our opioid treatment strategies and comprehensive management of pain in those with SCD.”