Dr. Robert Mahoney Co-hosts HCLDR Twitter Chat

Robert J. Mahoney, MD, CCS-P

Join us tonight, January 22nd, at 7:30pm CST on #hcldr as fellow hospitalist, Dr. Robert Mahoney, leads the discussion on physician burnout and how we might combat it with co-host Dr. Chuck Webster.

Discussion will be guided by blog post, “Burnout”, by Drs. Mahoney and Webster. Click here to view the Article.

The Healthcare Leadership Blog is a weekly educational tweetchat created by Colin Hung and Lisa Fields in 2012. The original idea was to establish a “virtual space” where people who were passionate about healthcare could gather and discuss issues via social media. #HCLDR is a strong and vibrant online community of people who all share a passion for improving healthcare. The community includes patients, physicians, nurses, CEOs, IT folks, caregivers, policy makers and students from all around the world. #HCLDR is open to anyone and everyone.*

Don’t have a Twitter account? Follow the chat.

Read more on the HCLDR website.