Celebrating Native American Heritage Month

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Native American Heritage Month is observed during the month of November in celebration and recognition of the rich and diverse cultures, traditions, contributions, and history of Native American and Indigenous peoples in the United States. 

Native American Heritage graphic

The origins of Native American Heritage Month can be traced back to the efforts of various individuals and organizations who sought to raise awareness about the unique heritage and contributions of Native Americans. One of the key advocates for the establishment of this month was Dr. Arthur C. Parker, a Seneca Indian, who founded the American Indian Defense Association in the early 20th century. He lobbied for the creation of a day to honor the significant contributions of Native Americans to American society. In the early 1990s, President George H.W. Bush approved a joint resolution designating November as “National American Indian Heritage Month.”

The observance of Native American Heritage Month aims to acknowledge the historical and ongoing contributions of Native Americans to the United States, raise awareness about the challenges and issues facing Indigenous communities, and foster a greater understanding and respect for their cultures and traditions. It is an opportunity for people to learn, celebrate, and engage with the rich tapestry of Native American heritage.

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