Mark V. Williams, MD, FACP, MHM
Division Chief, Professor of Medicine
- Phone: 314-362-1700
- Fax: 314-362-9878
Mark V. Williams, MD, FACP, MHM began his collaboration with the Division’s experienced leadership team in October 2021 to build one of the premier academic divisions in the nation. A Past-President of the Society of Hospital Medicine, Founding Editor of the Journal of Hospital Medicine and one of the first 10 Masters in Hospital Medicine, Mark brings his expertise in quality improvement, teamwork, and care transitions to this prestigious institution and talented group.
- BS: Zoology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida (1981)
- Medical Degree: Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia (1985)
- Residency, Internal Medicine: Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts (1988)
Board Certifications
- American Board of Internal Medicine
- Fellow, American college of Physicians (1997)
- Fellow in Hospital Medicine, Society of Hospital Medicine (2009)
- Master in Hospital Medicine (2012)
Scholarly Bibliography:
Original peer-reviewed research articles
McMullen C, Clouser JM, Smyth SS, Williams MV, Li J. Co-designing and piloting educational materials for syncope in the emergency department. PEC Innovation 2023; in press.
Weverka A, Vundi N, Clouser JM, Adu A, Williams MV, Li J. Spatial analysis of community service availability in rural Kentucky, United States. Journal of Public Health Policy2023; in press. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41271-022-00388-0
Gass B, McFall L, Brock J, Li J, LaRocca C, Williams MV. Perspectives of acute, post-acute, physician and community support providers on community collaborative efforts to improve transitions of care. Healthcare 2023;11(1). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hjdsi.2022.100673
Williams MV, Li J. Embracing Carers: When will adult hospitals full adopt the same practices as children’s hospitals? BMJ Qual Saf2023; http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjqs-2022-015425
Schnipper JL, Nieva HR, Yoon C, Mallouk M, Mixon AS, Rennke S, Chu E, Mueller SK, Smith GR, Williams, MV, Wetterneck TB, Stein J, Dalal AK, Labonville S, Sridharan A, Stolldorf DP, Orav EJ, Gresham M, Goldstein J, Platt S, Nyenpan CT, Howell E, Kripalani S, MARQUIS2 Site Leaders for the MARQUIS2 Study Group. What works in medication reconciliation: an on-treatment and site analysis of the MARQUIS2 study. BMJ Qual Saf Epub ahead of print:March 25, 2023. http://doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2022-01480
Schnipper JL, Reyes NH, Mallouk M, Mixon AS, Rennke S, Chu ES, Mueller SK, Smith GR, Williams MV, Wetterneck TB, Stein J, Dalal AK, Labonville S, Sridharan A, Stolldorf DP, Orav EJ, Levin B, Gresham M, Yoon C, Goldstein J, Platt S, Nyenpan C, Howell E, Kripalani S, MARQUIS2 Site Leaders for MARQUIS2 Study Group. Effects of a refined evidence-based toolkit and mentored implementation on medication reconciliation at 18 hospitals: results of the MARQUIS2 study. BMJ Qual Saf 2022;31(4):278-86. doi.10.1136/bmjqs-2020-012709
Shannon EM, Cauley M, Vitale M, Wines L, Chopra V, Greysen SR, Herzig SJ, Kripalani S, O’Leary KJ, Vasilevskis EE, Williams MV, Mueller SK, Auerbach AD, Schnipper JL. Patterns of utilization and evaluation of advance practice providers (APPs) on hospital medicine teams at academic medical centers: a national survey. J Hosp Med 2022;17(3):186-191. https://doi.org/10.1002/jhm.12788
Li J, Clouser JM, Brock J, Davis T, Jack B, Levine C, Mays G, Mittman B, Nguyen H, Sorra J, Stromberg A, Du G, Dai C, Adu A, Vundi N, Williams MV. Effects of Different Transitional Care Strategies on Outcomes after Hospital Discharge – Trust Matters, Too. Joint Comm J Qual Patient Saf 2022; 48:40–52. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcjq.2021.09.012
LaBedz SL, Prieto-Centurion V, Mutso A, Basu S, Bracken NE, Calhoun EA, DiDomenico RJ, Joo M, Pickard AS, Pittendrigh B, Williams MV, Illendula S, Krishnan JA. Pragmatic Clinical Trial to Improve Patient Experience Among Adults During Transitions from Hospital to Home: the PArTNER study. J Gen Intern Med 2022; ePub ahead of print. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11606-022-07461-0
Li J, Mays G, Clouser JM, Du G, Stromberg A, Jack B, Nguyen HQ, Williams MV. Information exchange among providers and patient-centeredness in transitional care: a five-year retrospective analysis.HealthCare: The Journal of Delivery Science and Innovation 2022;10(2). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hjdsi.2022.100626
Kato H, Clouser JM, Talari P, Vundi NL, Adu AK, Karri K, Isaacs K, Williams MV, Chadha R, Li J. Bedside nurses’ perceptions of effective Nurse-Physician communication in general medical units: a qualitative study. Cureus 2022;14(5):e25034. https://doi.org/10.7759/cureus.25304
Koempel A, Brislen, L, Jacobsen K, Clouser J, Vundi N, Li J, Williams MA, Williams MV. (2022). Growing health: Building partnerships in healthcare and food systems for improved food access in Appalachia Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development 2022;11(4):1–11. https://doi.org/10.5304/jafscd.2022.114.022
Chu ES, El-Kareh R, Biondo A, Chang J, Hartman S, Huynh T, Medders K, Nguyen A, Yam N, Succari L, Koenig K, Williams MV, Schnipper J. Implementation of a medication reconciliation risk stratification tool integrated within an electronic health record: a case series of three academic medical centers. Healthcare2022;10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hjdsi.2022.100654
Terwilliger IA, Manojlovich M, Johnson JK, Williams MV,O’Leary KJ. Effect of COVID-19 on the implementation of a multifaceted intervention to improve teamwork and quality for hospitalized patients: a qualitative interview study. BMC Health Services Research 2022; 22:1379-87; https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-022-08795-5
Fancher KG, Williams MV. Hospital Readmissions: New Pandemic, Same Old Problems? Joint Comm J Qual Patient Saf 2022;47(11):684-685. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcjq.2021.09.006
Lindenauer PK, Williams MV. Improving outcomes after a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease hospitalization. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2022;205(11):1257–1270.
Schnipper JL, Reyes NH, Mallouk M, Mixon AS, Rennke S, Chu ES, Mueller SK, Smith GR, Williams MV, Wetterneck TB, Stein J, Dalal AK, Labonville S, Sridharan A, Stolldorf DP, Orav EJ, Levin B, Gresham M, Yoon C, Goldstein J, Platt S, Nyenpan C, Howell E, Kripalani S, MARQUIS2 Site Leaders for MARQUIS2 Study Group. Effects of a refined evidence-based toolkit and mentored implementation on medication reconciliation at 18 hospitals: results of the MARQUIS2 study. BMJ Qual Saf 2021; Epub ahead of print: doi.10.1136/bmjqs-2020-012709.
O’leary KJ, Manojlovich M, Johnson JK, Estrella R, Hanrahan K, Leykum LK, Smith GR, Goldstein JD, Williams MV. A Multisite Study of Interprofessional Teamwork and Collaboration on General Medical Services. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf 2020 Dec;46(12):667-672. doi: 10.1016/j.jcjq.2020.09.009. Epub 2020 Sep 28.
Li J, Williams MV, Page C, Cassis L, Kern PA, DiPaola RS. The Value of Innovation to Implementation Program (VI2P): A Strategic Approach to Aligning and Leveraging Academic Research and Clinical Care Missions. Learning Health Systems 2019; e10199. doi.org/10.1002/lrh2.10199
Li J, Talari P, Kelly A, Latham B, Dotson SL, Manning K, Thornsberry L, Swartz CH, Williams MV. Inter-professional Teamwork Innovation Model (ITIM©) to Promote Communication and Patient-Centered, Coordinated Care. BMJ Qual Saf 2018 Sep;27(9):700-709. doi:10.1136/mjqs-2017-007369. PMID: 29444853 *Selected as Best Article to Read This Month by BMJ Quality & Safety.
Mitchell SE, Laurens V, Weigel GM, Hirschman KB, Scott AM, Nguyen HQ, Martin Howard J, Laird L, Levine C, Davis TC, Gass B, Shaid E, Li J, Williams MV, Jack BW. Experiencing Care Transitions from the Patient and Caregiver Perspective. Ann Fam Med May 2018;16(3):225-231. PMID: 29760026
Li J, Williams MV. Hospitalist Value in an ACO World. J Hosp Med Apr 2018; 13(4):272-276. PMID: 29624190.
Scott AM, Li J, Oyewole-Eletu S, Nguyen H, Gass B, Mitchell S, Hudson S, Williams MV. Understanding Facilitators and Barriers to Care Transitions: Insights from Project ACHIEVE Site Visits. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety 2017; 43:433–447.
Berian JR, Thomas JM, Minami CA, Farrell PR, O’Leary KO, Williams MV, Bilimoria KY, Johnson JK. Evaluation of a Novel Mentor Program to Improve Surgical Care for US Hospitals. International Journal for Quality in Health Care 2017;29(2):234-42. doi: 10.1093
O’Leary KO, Johnson JK, Manojlovich M, Gastik GJ, Williams MV. Use of Unit-based Interventions to Improve the Quality of Care for Hospitalized Medical Patients: A National Survey. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety; 2017 Nov;43(11):573-579. doi: 10.1016.
Li J, Brock J, Jack B, Mittman B, Naylor M, Sorra J, Mays G, Williams MV and ACHIEVE Team. Project ACHIEVE – Using implementation research to guide the evaluation of transitional care effectiveness. BMC Health Services Research 2016; 16:70-78.
Li J, Boulanger B, Norton J, Yates A, Swartz C, Smith A, Holbrook P, Moore M, Latham B, Williams MV. “SWARMing” to improve patient care by promoting transparency and a culture of safety. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety 2015;41(11):494-501.
Szekendi MK, Williams MV, Carrier D, Hensley L, Thomas S, Cerese J. The characteristics of patients frequently admitted to US academic medical centers. J Hosp Med 2015;10(9):563-568.
Williams MV, Li J, Hansen LO, Forth V, Budnitz T, Greenwald JL, Howell E, Maynard G, Halasyamani L, Vidyarthi A, Coleman EA. Project BOOST implementation: lessons learned. Southern Medical Journal 2014;107:455-65.
Hansen LO, Greenwald JL, Budnitz T, Howell E, Halasyamani L, Maynard G, Vidyarthi A, Coleman EA, Williams MV. Project BOOST: effectiveness of a multihospital effort to reduce rehospitalization. J Hosp Med 2013; 8(8):421-7. PMID:23873709 *Top-cited article from the Journal of Hospital Medicine in 2014.
Mueller SK, Kripalani S, Stein J, Kaboli PJ, Wetterneck TB, Salanitro A, Greenwald JL, Williams MV, Etchells E, Cobaugh DJ, Halasyamani L, Labonville S, Hanson D, Shabbir H, Gardella J, Largen R, Schnipper J. A toolkit to disseminate best practices in inpatient medication reconciliation: multi-center medication reconciliation quality improvement study (MARQUIS). Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2013; 39(8):371-82. PMID 23991510.
Maynard G, Budnitz T, Nickel WK, Greenwald JL, Kerr K, Miller JA, Resnic J, Rogers KM, Schnipper JL, Stein JM, Whitcomb W, Williams MV. Mentored implementation: a collaborative improvement model for breakthrough achievement. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2012;38(7):301-10. PMID: 22852190
O’Leary KJ, Sehgal NL, Terrell G, Williams MV. Interdisciplinary teamwork in hospitals: A review and practical recommendations for improvement. J Hosp Med 2012;7(1):48-54. PMID:22042511
Hansen LO, Young R, Hinami K, Leung A, Williams MV. Interventions to reduce 30 day rehospitalization: a systematic review. Ann Int Med 2011;155:520-28. PMID: 22007045
Speroff T, Nwosu S, Greevy R, Weinger MB, Talbot TR, Wall RJ, Deshpande JK, France DJ, Eley EW, Burgess H, Englebright J, Williams MV, Dittus RS. Organization Culture: Variation across hospitals and connection to patient safety climate. Qual Saf Health Care 2010;19:592-596. PMID: 21127115
Williams MV. The future of Hospital Medicine: evolution or revolution? Am J Med 2004;117:446-50.
Williams MV, Baker DW, Honig EG, Lee T, Nowlan A. Inadequate literacy is a barrier to asthma knowledge and self-care. Chest 1998;114:1008-1015. **Cited 839 times
Williams MV, Baker DW, Parker RM, Nurss JR. Relationship of functional health literacy to patients’ knowledge of their chronic disease: a study of patients with hypertension and diabetes. Arch Int Med 1998;158:166-172. **Cited 1519 times
Williams MV, Parker RM, Baker DW, Pitkin K, Parikh NS, Coates WC, Nurss J. Inadequate functional health literacy among patients at two public hospitals. JAMA 1995;274:1677-1682. **Cited 1370 times